Let’s face it: August sucks. It’s hot, it’s humid, and your inner child is still recoiling in horror at September’s approach, which means back to school. But what if we could, by an act of will, transform this dreaded month into a time of action, something akin to heroism? Precisely for this reason we need to establish a National Electronics Recycling Month in August 2024.
Earth Day and America Recycles Day
Currently, the calendar of environmental awareness only focuses on two major recycling events: Earth Day on April 22nd and America Recycles Day on November 15th. Now I’m not a mathematician, but when I do my adding and subtracting and carry my 1 over, I find a substantial gap during which public engagement in recycling more or less wanes: seven months, to be exact. This is especially concerning, as the increasing problem of electronic waste mounts and multiplies daily.
E-Waste Crisis
E-waste (electronic waste) is made up of discarded electronic devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, monitors, televisions and printers. It is hands down one of the fastest growing waste streams globally because of the high turnover rate of electronic devices and continuous technological advancements. Everyone wants that new phone, that new laptop, that new PC. The problem boils down to proliferation, however, affecting the environment and our health. For example, heavy metals and other hazardous substances found in electronics can leach into the earth and contaminate water and soil. Notorious landfills, such as those found in Agbogbloshie, are a terrible reminder to all of us of the price we pay as a species when we look the other way.
Technology in Education
Moreover, schooling today heavily relies on electronics and technology. And each August, as students across the nation prepare for their return to school, they are often equipped with the latest and greatest that technology has to offer. Which makes August, in our humble opinion, an ideal time to introduce and emphasize the importance of responsibly disposing of old electronics. Establishing a National Electronics Recycling Month during this transitional period would not only divert outdated devices from landfills, but educate people on the benefits of recycling and reuse, as well as encourage them to do so.
Proposing a National Electronics Recycling Month, beginning in August 2024, would not only bridge the extensive gap between existing recycling days but also take advantage of a time when electronic turnover is at its peak. But to really maximize its impact, we must focus on several key aspects:
Certified Recycling
We cannot overstate this enough: it is imperative to recycle electronics with certified recyclers. These recyclers adhere to rigorous environmental standards and ensure that toxic components are disposed of safely. Furthermore, a certified recycler has the capability to securely erase data from any device containing storage media, which is essential for maintaining privacy and thoroughly removing all personal information.
Promotion of Reuse
If an electronic device is still functional, it should remain in circulation as long as possible. Why? Because keeping them in circulation cuts down drastically on waste and resource extraction. Promoting a circular economy is essential for sustainable development, and by adopting this model, businesses and consumers significantly reduce the environmental impact as well as create economic opportunities that benefit society as a whole.
Educational Campaigns
Without question: awareness is the backbone of change. Communication efforts are required to educate the public about the importance of e-waste recycling. By establishing August 2024 as the National Electronics Recycling Month we can highlight the environmental and health impacts of improper recycling and demonstrate the benefits of recycling and reuse.
Community & School Involvement
Schools and universities are pivotal for driving change, and recycling efforts should be foremost among them. Implementing programs that invite students to recycle their old electronics as part of their learning experience will expose them to the beauty of sustainability efforts. Additionally, establishing community drop-off locations and partnerships with local certified recyclers would make recycling electronics more accessible for the community and businesses.
Local & National Government Support
For National Electronics Recycling Month to be a success, it must be backed by strong support from both the local and national government. We must remember: policies that encourage recycling and support certified recycling companies help in the effort to impose stricter regulation on e-waste disposal. The more eyes we have on it, the better the success, and the greater the service to the common good
Final Thoughts
The mind forgets, but the body remembers, and what it recalls when you mention August is the suck-fest of going back to school. However, by dedicating August to the recycling of electronics we can shift our mindset into a powerful catalyst for environmental change. Instituting a National Electronics Recycling Month will not only revitalize our approach to e-waste but also engage communities, particularly the younger, school-going demographic (they are our future, after all), in a deeply meaningful and committed way. Thinking responsibly as students and employees gear up for the upcoming school year will become, hopefully, the habit of a lifetime. Let’s help encourage them in those efforts, and crown August 2024 as the National Electronics Recycling Month moving forward.